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text [source code]


size_t letters(char *src); [source code]

count letters from src (utf-8)

char buf[256] = "𥹷ꌘ";
letters(buf) // -> 2

size_t bytes(char *src); [source code]

count bytes used by src including null terminator.

char buf[256] = "𥹷ꌘ";
bytes(buf) // -> 8 (7 from letters + null terminator)

unsigned int letter(char *src, char **next); [source code]

get utf-8 letter, and set the pointer to the following letter in next. if there are no more letters, next won't be updated and the result will be 0.

char buf[256] = "𥹷ꌘ";
char *next_letter = 0;
unsigned int utf8_letter = letter(buf, &next_letter);
// 4 to store the letter + 1 for null terminator.
char printable_utf8_letter[5] = {0};
memcpy(printable_utf8_letter, &utf8_letter, 4);
printf("letter %s\n", printable_utf8_letter) // -> 𥹷, next_letter points to the beginning of ꌘ

int begins_withn(char *src, char *what, size_t n); [source code]

check if src begins with n bytes of what.

char buf[256] = "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet";
begins_withn(buf, "lorem", strlen("lorem")); // -> 1
begins_withn(buf, "ipsum", strlen("ipsum")); // -> 0

int begins_with(char *src, char *what); [source code]

check if src begins with what.

char buf[256] = "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet";
begins_with(buf, "lorem"); // -> 1
begins_with(buf, "ipsum"); // -> 0

int ends_withn(char *src, char *what, size_t n); [source code]

check if src ends with n bytes of what.

char buf[256] = "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet";
ends_withn(buf, "amet", strlen("amet")); // -> 1
ends_withn(buf, "ipsum", strlen("ipsum")); // -> 0

int ends_with(char *src, char *what); [source code]

check if src ends with what.

char buf[256] = "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet";
ends_with(buf, "amet"); // -> 1
ends_with(buf, "ipsum"); // -> 0

int contains(char *src, char *what); [source code]

check if src contains what.

char buf[256] = "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet";
contains(buf, "dolor"); // -> 1
contains(buf, "foo"); // -> 0

char *find(char *src, char *what); [source code]

find what in src. null is returned if no match is found.

char buf[256] = "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet";
find(buf, "dolor"); // -> "dolor sit..."
find(buf, "foo"); // -> 0

int find_index(char *src, char *what); [source code]

same as find but instead of returning a pointer, it returns an index (starting from 0) if no match, -1 is returned.

char buf[256] = "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet";
find_index(buf, "ipsum"); // -> 6
find_index(buf, "foo"); // -> -1

char *find_last(char *src, char *what); [source code]

find last match of what in src. null is returned if no match is found.

char buf[256] = "lorem ipsum lorem dolor sit amet";
find_last(buf, "lorem"); // -> "lorem dolor ..."
find_last(buf, "foo"); // -> 0

int find_last_index(char *src, char *what); [source code]

same as find_last but returns an index starting from 0. if no match, -1 is returned.

char buf[256] = "lorem ipsum lorem dolor sit amet";
find_last_index(buf, "lorem"); // -> 13
find_last_index(buf, "foo"); // -> -1

char *from(char *src, int n); [source code]

get pointer from src + n. n can be negative, for example, "lorem", -3, a pointer to "rem" will be returned.

char buf[256] = "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet";
from(buf, 6); // -> "ipsum dolor ..."
from(buf, -4); // -> "amet"

void insertn(char *src, char *what, size_t max, int n); [source code]

insert max bytes of what into src at index n.

char buf[256] = "lorem dolor sit amet";
insertn(buf, "ipsum ", strlen("ipsum "), find_index(buf, "dolor")); // -> "lorem ipsum dolor ..."

void insert(char *src, char *what, int n); [source code]

insert what into src starting at index n.

char buf[256] = "lorem dolor sit amet";
insert(buf, "ipsum ", find_index(buf, "dolor")); // -> "lorem ipsum dolor ..."

void erase_bytes(char *src, int n, size_t bytes); [source code]

erase bytes amount from src at index n.

char buf[256] = "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet";
erase_bytes(buf, 0, 6); // -> "ipsum dolor ..."

void erase(char *src, char *what); [source code]

erase what from src.

char buf[256] = "lorem ipsum lorem dolor sit amet";
erase(buf, "lorem "); // -> "ipsum dolor sit amet"

void erase_first(char *src, char *what); [source code]

erase only the first match of what from src.

char buf[256] = "lorem ipsum lorem dolor sit amet";
erase_first(buf, "lorem "); // -> "ipsum lorem dolor..."

void erase_last(char *src, char *what); [source code]

erase only last match of what from src.

char buf[256] = "lorem ipsum lorem dolor sit amet";
erase_last(buf, "lorem "); // -> "lorem ipsum dolor..."

void replace(char *src, char *original, char *replacement); [source code]

replace original from src with replacement.

char buf[256] = "lorem ipsum lorem dolor sit amet";
replace(buf, "lorem", "foo"); // -> "foo ipsum foo dolor..."

void replace_first(char *src, char *original, char *replacement); [source code]

replace only first match of original with replacement from src.

char buf[256] = "lorem ipsum lorem dolor sit amet";
replace_first(buf, "lorem", "foo"); // -> "foo ipsum lorem dolor..."

void replace_last(char *src, char *original, char *replacement); [source code]

replace only last match of original with replacement from src.

char buf[256] = "lorem ipsum lorem dolor sit amet";
replace_last(buf, "lorem", "foo"); // -> "lorem ipsum foo dolor..."

int empty(char *src); [source code]

check if src is an empty string.

empty(""); // -> 1
empty("foo"); // -> 0

void appendn(char *src, char *what, size_t n); [source code]

append n bytes from what to src.

char buf[256] = "lorem ipsum";
appendn(buf, " foo", strlen(" foo")); // -> "lorem ipsum foo"
appendn(buf, ".!", 1); // "lorem ipsum foo.", notice no "!"

void append(char *src, char *what); [source code]

append what to src.

char buf[256] = "lorem ipsum";
append(buf, " foo"); // -> "lorem ipsum foo"

void prependn(char *src, char *what, size_t n); [source code]

insert n bytes from what at the beginning of src.

char buf[256] = "lorem ipsum";
prependn(buf, "foo ", strlen("foo ")); // -> "foo lorem ipsum"
prependn(buf, "!!", 1); // -> "!foo lorem ipsum"

void prepend(char *src, char *what); [source code]

insert what at the beginning of src.

char buf[256] = "lorem ipsum";
prepend(buf, "foo "); // -> "foo lorem ipsum"

void trim(char *src); [source code]

remove all the white space at the beginning and the end from src.

char buf[256] = "    lorem ipsum      ";
trim(buf); // -> "lorem ipsum"

void substr(char *src, int n, size_t max); [source code]

update src to be max bytes starting at index n.

char buf[256] = "lorem ipsum";
substr(buf, 0, 5); // -> "lorem"

void repeat(char *src, char *what, int n, size_t times); [source code]

repeat what times to src starting at index n.

char buf[256] = "lorem ipsum";
repeat(buf, "foo ", 0, 3); // -> "foo foo foo lorem ..."