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vec [source code]


union vec; [source code]

typedef union vec {
    struct { float x, y, z, w; };
    struct { float r, g, b, a; };
} vec;

vec vadd(vec a, vec b); [source code]

add vectors a and b.

vec a = {2, 3};
vec b = {3, 4};
vadd(a, b) // -> {5.0f, 7.0f, 0, 0}

vec vsub(vec a, vec b); [source code]

subtract vectors a and b.

vec a = {2, 4};
vec b = {1, 2};
vsub(a, b) // -> {1.0f, 2.0f, 0, 0}

vec vscale(vec a, float x); [source code]

scale vector a by x.

vec a = {2, 4};
vscale(a, 3) // -> {6.0f, 12.0f, 0, 0}

float vlen2(vec src); [source code]

get length of src ^ 2. useful to avoid using sqrtf when not needed.

vec a = {2, 3};
vlen2(a) // -> 13.0f

float vlen(vec src); [source code]

get length of src. note: uses sqrtf.

vec a = {2, 3};
vlen(a) // -> 3.60f

vec vnorm(vec src); [source code]

get normalized vector from src.

vec a = {2, 3};
vnorm(a) // -> {0.55f, 0.83f, 0, 0}

float vdist2(vec src, vec target); [source code]

calculate distance ^ 2 between src and target.

vec a = {2, 3};
vec b = {6, 9};
vdist2(a, b) // -> 52.0f

float vdist(vec src, vec target); [source code]

calculate distance between src and target.

vec a = {2, 3};
vec b = {6, 9};
vdist2(a, b) // -> 7.21f

float vdot(vec a, vec b); [source code]

calculate dot product from a and b.

vec a = {2, 3};
vec b = {6, 9};
vdot(a, b) // -> 

vec vcross(vec a, vec b); [source code]

calculate cross product from a and b.

vec a = {2, 3};
vec b = {6, 9};
vcross(a, b) // -> 

vec vdir2(vec src, vec target); [source code]

calculate direction from src to target. returns normalized vector.

vec a = {2, 3};
vec b = {6, 9};
vdir2(a, b) // -> 

float vangle2(vec src, vec target); [source code]

calculate angle in radians from src to target. to convert from radians to degrees use radians * 180.0f / pi

vec a = {2, 3};
vec b = {6, 9};
vangle2(a, b) // -> 

vec vlerp(vec src, vec to, float t); [source code]

calculate linear interpolation between src and to using t as weight. t being a normalized value ([0, 1])

vec a = {2, 3};
vec b = {6, 9};
vlerp(a, b, 0.5f) // ->