
Yet a simpler way of deploying... deploying a rails app with dokku

There are so many ways of deploying an application, in this short post I would like to walk you through deploying using dokku, a simple and light PaaS tool.


# Get a server with dokku installed (learn how to with
# Tip: use DigitalOcean dokku image to make set up easier
ssh root@your-server-ip

# Create app and initialize git
dokku apps:create your_app
dokku git:initialize your_app

# Set up any environment variables required
dokku config:set --no-restart your_app RAILS_MASTER_KEY=...

# Enable and set up domain
dokku domains:enable your_app
dokku domains:set your_app

# Install let's encrypt plugin
# to generate a ssl certificate
sudo dokku plugin:install

# Generate ssl certificate
dokku config:set --no-restart your_app
dokku letsencrypt your_app

# Enable ssl auto renew
dokku letsencrypt:cron-job --add

# In your local machine
git remote add dokku dokku@your-server-ip:your_app
git push dokku master


I’m sure you are familiar with Heroku, and dokku is just that, a tool quite similar to Heroku, but open source and free of charge. If you don’t know Heroku, it’s just a platform to make deployments easier, but of course, at a heavy price.

Quick test

Let’s deploy a rails application to see how this puppy behaves. First of all, we need a server. I’m using DigitalOcean since it’s cheap, works well and most importantly, it comes with a pre-installed dokku image when setting up the instance. If you wan to install it manually, you can follow the instructions on how to install dokku.

After creating the instance, go ahead and ssh into it. Let’s make sure dokku is installed with dokku help.

If dokku is installed, we can begin with the process. Go ahead and create a new application with dokku apps:create your_app. Great, now, we want to deploy using git, on every push we do. In order to do that, we need to run dokku git:initialize your_app. Now, go to your local machine, cd into your project and add a new remote host with git remote add dokku dokku@ip:your_app.

Environment variables

Since we are using rails for this example, we need to set the RAILS_MASTER_KEY. We can set environment variables with dokku config:set --no-restart your_app KEY=VALUE. With that, we can set our secret key dokku config:set --no-restart your_app RAILS_MASTER_KEY=....

First dummy deploy

Go ahead and run git push dokku master. This should trigger the deployment process. After that, we are ready to set up the domain and ssl certificate.

Domain & SSL

Again, 2020, we need https and boy, up until now, this is the easiest way I have found to set the certificate up.

First, we need to set up the domain for our app. Enable domains with dokku domains:enable your_app, then run dokku domains:set your_app

Once we got the domain configured, we can continue with SSL. In order to set up the certificate, we will be using a dokku plugin that makes the whole process very easy.

sudo dokku plugin:install
dokku config:set --no-restart your_app
dokku letsencrypt your_app
dokku letsencrypt:cron-job --add

That’s it

Done. Your certificate should be set up and it will auto renew. If you go to (after setting up the DNS, so your domain points to your instance), you should see the app running.

Remote commands

Probably you want to be able to run some these commands but from your local machine (for example to set up environment variables). In order to do that, you have to install the dokku client. Once installed, you can cd into your project’s folder and use it:

dokku proxy:report
=====> your_app proxy information
       Proxy enabled:                 true
       Proxy port map:                http:80:5000 https:443:5000
       Proxy type:                    nginx

Notice I didn’t included the app_name, that’s because dokku is smart enough to pick that up from the git remote configuration :)